I found him while I was out at the shopping centere. Thursday night it was. Late night shopping. I had gone with my sister, Megan. But she escaped before it happened.
We were walking around, browsing in shop windows as we passed, when it happened. The ground begun to shake, there were a series of loud noises. And then, nothing. Silence. We thought it was over, but Megan being the worrier she is ran off, into the distance. She called it fleeing for her life.
I jumped back as the ground beneath me begun to shake and reveal what looked like a combination of a fly, spider, mosquito and wasp. But it wasn't small. It was huge.
Slowly, it rose up, out of the ground and begun to fly, as quick as lightening, towards me. I ran then as first as I could.
As I reached a dead end, a door opened, a hand shot out, grabbed me and pulled me in, closing the door behind it.
I begun to panic. But stopped when the hand that had pulled me into the room with him had switched on a light, revealing himself to be a normal man. Or so I thought. He thrust his hand in front of me. "I'm The Professor." He said. "And you are?" He seemed curious. "Lorraine." I said, shaking his hand.
The Professor grabbed my hand, and took off then. We raced down a corridor, turned and then down another one. "It's after us." He had puffed. "We have to get away." He sounded paniced then. "Or what?" I paused, and turned to face him. "Or it'll kill you." The Professor looked wide eyed. "Alright then. Let's go!" I led the way this time, running aimlessly, in an attempt to escape the beast.
After a while of running up and down random corridors, The Professor led me out into what seemed like an empty courtyard. We headed towards what looked like a cardboard box.
The Professor jumped inside pulling me after him, and once inside he clicked his fingers three times. What we were in shook a little and then transformed into something longer in height rather then width. A door appeared. 'That must've been the exit.' I thought.
"So what on earth was that thing coming after us back there?" I asked. "A killsectobot." Said The Professor. "A what?" I didn't think I'd heard him right. It wasn't something I'd ever heard of in my life before. "A killsectobot". He said again. "It's a monster. I've been chasing it for days." He had a hint of excitement in his voice. "Why would you want to chase something that can kill you?" I asked. "To kill it first. Before it has a chance to kill anything else." He explained.
"And what's this we're in then?" I asked, slightly curious. 'This man was not like any other I'd ever met before. I think I like him.' I thought to myself. "It's the TAST." He replied. "Time and Space Transporter." "I see." I replied.
Suddenly we heard a series of loud noises outside the TAST. "It's coming." The professor said, heading for what looked like a control room. "Make yourself comfortable." He turned to me. "And once seated, stay seated. Oh and hold on to something. You're in for a wild ride." He said.
The TAST begun to shake. We were on the move.
We kept traveling like that for a long time before we stopped somewhere. The Professor wento outside. I stayed in the TAST. I wasn't allowed to go out. He said it was too dangerous.
I heard the series of loud noises, what souynded like crashes of metal and a huge sonic boom before The Professor re-entered the TAST. "He' gone. Dead." The Professor announced. "Now let's get you home." He said.
Once again, he entered the control room and we travelled for a while before we stopped. "Here's your stop Lorraine." He called. I begun to walk towards the door. And when I turned around, The Professortood at the other end of the short hallway to bid me farewell. "Thank you." I said. "No. Thank you Lorraine. For allowing me to have company in my travels today." He replied.
I opened the door and stepped outside. We had landed right outside my driveway. "How did you..." I paused and looked around. But The Professor and The Tast were gone. All I had left of him was the memory of the adventures we had shared that day.
Dedicated to my mother Bethany. I know how much you love Doctor Who. And now you have your very own adventure with a similar version of him.