"I'm sorry Sarah. But we couldn't afford it, even if we did open it as a family." Sarah's mother apologised when she heard Sarah's news. "Well you don't have to have anything to do with it!" Sarah was offended by what her mother had said. But it was true, they couldn't afford it. They just didn't have that type of money to throw away.
When Sarah turned 22 years old, she went on a cooking show. That was where she was discovered. One of the judges, Judy Newsom loved Sarah's cooking and believed that she had high potential in the culinary arts. So, when she heard that Sarah's family couldn't afford to help her begin her culinary career, she offered Sarah a scholarship to her cooking school.
At this school, if Sarah stayed until her final year of training she would have the chance to win $500, 000 to start her off in her culinary career. So Sarah stayed and worked and worked, day in and day out until, she reached her graduation, where she was presented the $500, 000. Sarah was thrilled.
With the money, Sarah bought a quiet little cafe near Oceanview Beach off a nice elderly lady. She named it Sarah's.
To this day, Sarah's is the most popular cafe in Oceanview Beach and Sarah is living her dream of having a nice little cafe, all her own.