Wednesday, April 5, 2017

In My Dreams

I remember it feeling like the world had ended when you were stolen away. I remember feeling like it would never be the same again. The world, all of a sudden, had gone dark. Pitch black like the lights on a stage when the show's over.

But then, light appeared to illuminate the way and suddenly, I could see again. You were gone, and that hurt, sometimes it still does, but the world wasn't ending. Not anymore. At least, not for now. No. Instead, the world had just... Stopped. For a while. And then, strangely, the world just continued. It resumed, like nothing had happened. Like it, and me, had not just sustained a huge loss. Like you hadn't gone at all.

Sometimes, I'd forget, then, I remembered again. It'd hit me like a slap in the face. I could almost see you and your sweet face, smiling back at me. I could almost feel you beside me, a feeling I was afraid I'd forget. And sometimes I did, but when I remembered, it didn't hurt as much as it once would have.

Then, there's now. Finally, the world was starting to feel normal again. Until I got a cold, hard slap in the face, so painful it started raining from my eyes. The rain brought with it memories of you that it seemed I'd forgotten, and suddenly, I'd been catapulted back in time, if only for a moment.

And now, it's the end of the world again, and there you are. You've come back to me, just like I always hoped you would. But, it's different now. Because it's not dark anymore. Because this time, there's a light surrounding you and me. You're holding me closer than I can ever remember being held before. Can we just stay like this now, until it really is the end of the world? Cause you've finally come back to me. In my dreams.

Inspired by the incredible Kate Miller-Heidke's 'Last Day On Earth'