It was almost her 22nd birthday. That would be the day her parents decided who she would marry.
Lilly, along with her best friend Mia, who also lived in the community thought this was unfair. "Shouldn't we have a say in who it is we marry? I mean, we're the ones who are going to have to live with them for the rest of our lives. We should at least get a little bit of a say!" Mia had complained to Lilly one afternoon. "I reckon we both need a break. Why don't we go on a holiday?" Lilly decided. "Great idea. I definently need a break from this place." Miua agreed. "And besides, I'm sure Mr and Mrs rule their kids lives for them and don't let them have any freedom sour pants won't object to it." She continued, sourly. "Come on Mia. They might be a bit controlable and over protective at times but they're still our parents." Lilly pointed out. She still got annoyed by her parents, but she wasn't as out there about it as Mia was.
So it was agreed, Mia and Lilly would go away for two weeks starting next week. Despite having a holiday away to look forward to, Mia was still sour. "I hate them. I wish thwy'd back off for one minute! It's not like we can't live without people watchimg over us 24/7!" She would complain to Lilly day after day after day. One day Lilly cracked. "Mia, just stop it ok?! I'm sick of hearing it!" Lilly fumed. Mia immediately calmed down. Lilly must've been pretty sick of hearing it for her to get like this, after all Lilly never got like this. "Ok." Mia said quietly.
Finally, after what seemed like years of waiting it came time for Lilly and Mia to go on holidays. They were both looking forward to it, more than ever. They both truly, desperately needed a holiday to.
"It's so nice out here." Mia said, spinning around on the grass outside the cabin they were staying in. "The cool, fresh breeze, I can just smell the freedom here Mia." Lilly agreed.
On their third night away, Mia and Lilly had the time of their lives. They were out on the grass in front of their cabin, when two men appeared. "Come with us, beautiful ladies." Said one, holding his hand out to Lilly. "We'll show some good fun." Promised the other. "I don't know about this Mia." Lilly was a bit nervous. "Lilly, who cares. We're on holidays! We deserve to have a good time!" Mia pointed out. "True. Alright." Lilly agreed and so the men took them out.
They later found out that their names were James and Sam. "Thanks guys. We had a really great time tonight. Right Lilly?" Mia jabbed Lilly in the elbow, quite hard. "Right. Sure. Thanks." Lilly spluttered.
Lilly and Mia ended up going out with James and Sam every night for the rest of their holiday. On their lasty night away, James proposed to Lilly. "I can't." Lilly admitted, apologetically. "Why my Lilly?" James was shocked, as any man would be by the rejection of a proposal. "I'd be shunned." Lilly turned to Mia. "If you're shunned, I'm shunned." Mia promised. "We live in a really strict religious community. If we marry someone from outside that community, we'll be shunned." Mia explained, remembering the poor two guys standing before her and Lilly.
"Well in that case I will." Lilly agreed. "Better make that a double wedding mate." Sam elbowed James' side. "Mia," Sam turned to face Mia. "Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" He dropped to one knee and presented a huge diamond ring in a box. "Of course I will!" Sam lifted Mia up in the air and spun her in circles.
"Well that's the Mr and Mrs No Freedom Sooky Pants problem solved isn't it?" Mia dangled her legs on the end of the dock near their cabin. "Yep. Looks like we're not going back." Lilly agreed.
Lilly, James, Mia and Sam were married 6 months later and Mia and Lilly lived happily in reality.
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