Lilly looked up to many artists, but her favourite was Vincent Van Gough. This is because Vincent Van Gough did the same types of paintings Lilly does, still life and abstract.
When Lilly was 15 and going into year 9 at high school, she chose art as an elective subject. That was what started her in her career as an artist. As Lilly's teacher came around to see how her students were going, she noticed Lilly's excellent painting and her extrodinary talent as a painter. "That looks really, really good Lilly." Mrs Eddings told Lilly, eyeing her work more closely, not believing the amount of talent within Lilly.
Later on that year, Lilly's art class was given an assignment. They were to select one famous artist and write up a profile on them. Of course, Lilly selected Vincent Van Gough.
When Lilly had to do her presentation on Vincent Van Gough a few weeks later, there was a special guest in the class. What Lilly did not know was that the special guest was from a special art school for young artists. She had come to watch Lilly, at Mrs Eddings request and see her work.
At the end of the lesson, Lilly was held back and formally introduced to the special guest, whom told Lilly that she could attend a special school for young artists in the city if she wanted to.
Lilly discussed the offer with her parents that night, and they all agreed that Lilly may accept the offer.
Lilly's paintings were publically recognised 3 years later when Lilly was 18. She was helping out at a family garage sale and had some of her paintings for sale. One man who come to browse at the garage sale saw Lilly's paintings and said he would buy them for double the price and put them in the art gallery he owned.
So Lilly is now known around the world as an artist, and a very good one at that.
dedicated to my Aunty Michelle. The real artistic talent in my family. Happy birthday.
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