Thursday, December 23, 2010


Young Henry never got the concept of Santa. One day, he recieved a set of toy soldiers. "Yay! They can kill Santa now." He squealed. His mother put her head in her hands and shook her head.

Henry's parents watched in horror at the murder of Henry's toy santa. Henry's full set of toy soldiers were neatly lined up in a row, all similtaniously shooting poor Santa Claus repetitively. "Son, that's not what Santa...." Henry's father stepped forward, trying to explain to his son the concept of Santa. Then came the sound effects. "Crash! Boom! Bang!" Then poor Santa fell to his death for what must've been the fifth time in a row.

Henry's father watched many films with Henry before he even began to grasp the concept of Santa. "So Santa job isn't to die?" Henry asked after they had finished watching 'The Santa Claus Trilogy'. "No son. Santa's job isn't to die." Henry's father wiped his forehead with the back of his hand and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mummy?" Henry turned to his mother later that night. "Yes Henry?" Henry's mother replied, turning around to face her son. "What's Santa's job?" "To make presents for all the boys and girls and deliver them on Christmas Eve."

At last, Henry understood the idea of Santa Claus.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wishing you all a very merry christmas and a happy new year. Happy holidays everyone!
I'll be back on 7th January 2011.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Great Magico

There was once a great magician. An illusionist. The Great Magico as he called himself.

But the Great Magico still had many things to learn. Many things. So, one day he went to a magician, an illusionist who knew more than he did.

The Great Magico visited him for weeks. He practiced and practiced. Until, one day, he had perfected the craft of magic.

At his next show, the Great Magico pulled a little black and white cat out of his hat and also pulled out a flower for every lady who was in the audience.

After the lessons, the Great Magico's shows were better than ever.

Inspired by the musical CATS and the character 'Mr. Mistofelees'.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Journey of Life

I'm Brooke and I've just graduated from high school. Now comes the rest of my life. Now comes reality. But what do I want to do with it? I have absolutely no idea. Up until my goal has been to graduate from high school. Well, I've done that. Now what? My parents think I should go to uni. But to go to uni, I have to have some idea of what I want to do. But me, I've got nothing. Not a thing.

Someone once told me that life is a journey, not a destination. You've got to take it slow and steady, just like the tortise in that children's story. Slow and steady wins the race. I guess they're right in a way. If you go speeding off from the starting line, you get tired pretty quick, and eventually you've got to stop and slow down. In the long run, racing doesn't really get you anywhere. In my opinion it's better to go slow, stop relax and enjoy the moments as they pass you by.

I'll decide in my own time what I'd like to do with the rest of my life. But for now, I'll sit back, relax, take it slow and enjoy the ride to my future ahead.

Life is a journey, a path one takes, a path with twists and turns and ups and downs. The path is a journey. The journey of life.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Matthew & Son

Matthew was only thirteen years old when he realised his ambition in life. To open a building company.
So, when Matthew was 22, he had just finished his two degrees, one in businees and the other a building degree from tafe. He had a girlfriend by that time, Fiona.
A year later, when Matthhew was 23, his business was well underway. Matthew and Son. Fiona and Matthew became engaged, due to be married the next year.
Eventually, in Matthew and Fiona's early thirties, Fiona had their first child. A son. They named him Darren.
When Matthew was in his mid forties, he grew to be quite a grumpy man. Working at building sites all day and then managing the company late into the night made him not pleasent to be around when he had spare time.
When, Matthew turned 46, he took up smoking. This, quickly made him sick with emphasema.
When Matthew's son, Darren was only twenty three, he was forced to take over Matthew and Son, when his father died at the age of 55 from the emphasemia he had gotten from taking up smoking 9 years earlier.
All current Matthew and Son employees agree that Darren is a much better boss than Matthew had ever been.