Henry's parents watched in horror at the murder of Henry's toy santa. Henry's full set of toy soldiers were neatly lined up in a row, all similtaniously shooting poor Santa Claus repetitively. "Son, that's not what Santa...." Henry's father stepped forward, trying to explain to his son the concept of Santa. Then came the sound effects. "Crash! Boom! Bang!" Then poor Santa fell to his death for what must've been the fifth time in a row.
Henry's father watched many films with Henry before he even began to grasp the concept of Santa. "So Santa job isn't to die?" Henry asked after they had finished watching 'The Santa Claus Trilogy'. "No son. Santa's job isn't to die." Henry's father wiped his forehead with the back of his hand and breathed a sigh of relief.
"Mummy?" Henry turned to his mother later that night. "Yes Henry?" Henry's mother replied, turning around to face her son. "What's Santa's job?" "To make presents for all the boys and girls and deliver them on Christmas Eve."
At last, Henry understood the idea of Santa Claus.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wishing you all a very merry christmas and a happy new year. Happy holidays everyone!
I'll be back on 7th January 2011.
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