Nancy was the first to draw a name from the hat. 'Alex' her paper read. So she returned to her desk and began working on her card. Alex was the last, and what name did he happen to draw out? Nancy's. So he, like Nancy had done, returned to his desk and started to work on his card.
After lunch, the students slipped their cards onto their secret valentine's desk. A few minutes later, the students eagerly opened their cards and read them. Nancy opened and read her's first. 'Nancy, I've loved you my whole life. I always will. Love, your secret admirer'. Then Alex read his. It had the exact same message. 'Alex, I've loved you my whole life. I always will. Love, your secret admirer'.
Several years later, the same Alex and Nancy had been married and were now expecting their first child, a girl. One day, close to Nancy's due date, she was going through old things, photos, school reports and the like, when she found two cards. The cards from Secret Valentines on that fateful day, all those years ago in year 5.
When Alex arrived home later that night, Nancy decided to play mysterious. "What is it?" Alex asked playfully. Nancy couldn't hold it in any longer and began jumping up and down with glee. She pulled the cards from behind her back. "Oh my god." Alex sighed. "Oh my god!" "I know." Nancy said, hugging him tight. "I don't believe it!" Alex gasped. They celebrated their finding that night with a nice romantic dinner out.
Happy Valentines day everyone!
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