Oliver hadn't seen Jake since high school, so when they ran into each other for coffee, Oliver just couldn't resist making his life sound 100 times better then it actual was.
"So it's Sunday night, right. And I'm just sitting having a good soak in the tub with my glass of wine. But it's not just any bath. See, I wasn't lying in a tub full of water. Oh no my friend, my tub. My tub was full of money. Cold hard cash. It was great. Lying in a tub full of cash. I had the fan going, so it was raining money too." Oliver smiled to himself at the cleverness of his lie. "Wow man." Jake sighed. "You must be the richest guy on the planet." Oliver knew he'd won him over. Now, the two had switched roles. Jake was now the loser and Oliver the winner. "That wine. It was the most expensive money could buy." Oliver couldn't help adding. "You know, my kids favourite game is making different objects out of all the piles of cash." He smiled, satisfyed at Jake's response. A small hint of a smile turning to a frown, the dropping of his head and the slouching of his shoulders as he exited the cafe.
Then, Oliver realised, he had never felt better.
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