There was once a young girl named Megan. Now Megan got bored very easily. And when Megan got bored, she would start to wander and explore. She and her mother lived in a suburb surrounded by bush. There was so much bush that there was even some bushland behind her backyard that belonged to Megan and her family.
One day, on a late Saturday afternoon, Megan was at home alone and she got bored. So she put some shoes on and headed out back to explore the bushland behind her house. It wasn't long before Megan had completely lost track of time and was enthrawled in the world of the bush behind her house. She started collecting different bits and pieces she'd found on the ground, then she got more supplies from her house like glue and string and began building a little shelter. A while later, she'd made a bed from sticks and palm fronds, placed it in her little shelter and was lost in a book.
After she'd finished the book, she went back into the bush and found tiny little purple flowers dotted all over different parts of the bushland. She proceeded to pick a few and take them back to her shelter. There she got a nice leaf and arranged the flowers so they sat nicely atop the leaf. Then she found more sticks and made a table on which she layed the leaf vase with flowers inside.
When her mother arrived home, she found Megan in the bushland in her shelter, on the bed again, lost in her book. Looking from the kitchen, Megan's mother realised that that little shelter Megan had made, along with everything in it was her bush paradise.
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