That created a slight problem for the Eddlestone sisters though. Whenever they threw one of their hit parties, barely an hour would pass before Iris would come bustling up to the front door. The sisters would turns in answering the door and when they did, Iris would always say the same thing. "You and your sisters need to learn to be considerate. Some people in this street are trying to sleep and no one can with this awful racket. Now will you turn it down?" The sisters would always reply, "Yes Mrs Lagoni but its only early, we'll turn it down soon. You have a good night now Mrs Lagoni." Then they'd stand in the doorway and wave while Iris totted back down the driveway and off to her house.
The following weekend, when the Eddlestone sisters were having another party, there was another knock at the door. Assuming it was Iris from next door, Isabelle answered the door. But when she opened the door, who she'd originally expected the unwelcome visitor to be was not the person behind the door. Instead, standing in front of her was a tall man dressed in a police officer's uniform. "Miss Eddlestone?" He asked. His voice was low, gruff and harsh sounding. "Yes?" Isabelle asked nervously. "I've had a complaint from a nearby resident." He inforned her. Isabelle immediately rolled her eyes. "May I ask who the complaint was made by?" She asked. "I'm afraid I'm not authorised to disclose that information ma'am." He apologised. "But I have been advised to request that you turn your music down or off. I have also been advised by the citizen that made the complaint that they will not hesitate to take further action against you. Now this is just a warning, but if the problem persists, further action will be taken." zhe warned.
To Be Continued.........
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