Many people have questions. Questions where they have no idea of the answer, some where the answer can be found, but is hard to obtain. As you age, as you grow and gain more experience, you grow wiser, you get to know more and you slowly develop into your own person. Unique and unlike anyone else on this earth. We are all, essentially in the same boat. We are all trying to figure life out, we are all walking the same road.
Life is a road, with bumps and bruises, twists and turns, ups and downs all the way along. And as you get further, you become more experienced, more knowledgable. You have more tools to overcome the obstacles life throws your way and you bounce back up, more resiliant than the last time you fell. More able, more experienced.
We all struggle, and although we all travel the same road, the Road of Life if you like, each person's road is different, just like them. We'll all have twists and bends in our roads, we'll all have ups and downs, we all have bumps and bruises. But for every person, their location differs.
Life is a road. A road that takes us on a journey. A journey with ups and downs, twists and turns. A journey that allows us to meet people, who ultimately, make a difference in our lives and change us in some way and a journey of self discovery. Discovery of what we want to do in the future, who we are, and who we want to become.
Life may deal you some rocky patches, but always remember there are people around waiting to help you. To support you and comfort you, to talk you through life's struggles, hold you tight and if they have to, dig you out of a hole and help to get back on your feet.
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