At first, I could swat it away as one would a fly. But as it loomed nearer, it became the sort of fly that lingers right next to your ear, buzzing peskily and persistently, teasing you. "I'm not going anywhere! There's nothing you can do about me!" it seemed to be saying.
The nearer it is, the closer the fly hovers, the louder the buzzing becomes, the harder it becomes to swat. The fly gets a little cheeky, flitting this way and that, expertly dodging your flailing hands, even only by the skin of it's teeth.
I had no choice but to ignore it, no matter how loud the buzzing grew, no matter how hard it became. Because if I didn't ignore it, the fly and it's buzzing would consume me completely. It would take me over and quite possibly drive me insane.
Though it can't be denied that it takes a great deal of strength, it's not entirely impossible to ignore the constant buzzing of the fly in your ear. You must focus, and have patience and perseverance. It takes time to hone any skill, and if one loses patience and gives up, the fly will return, it will buzz. Louder and fly stronger. Unless, you stand up to the fly.
Flies may seem small and a mere pest, but don't let them fool you, and whatever you do, don't let them catch you off guard. Because, if they catch you off guard... Small they may be, but flies are also somewhat smart. At the first sign of weakness or abandon, they come racing toward you. It passes by in a blur. They come toward you, the buzz growing louder and louder until it's all you can hear. Until it engulfs your mind entirely.
I could almost hear you asking, "how? how do you know all of this?" Well, I know all of this because it's happened to me. On several an occasion. At first I was weak and the fear was able to take over my mind. It made me tremble and shake, even shed a few tears. And later on, just when I thought I'd gotten rid of it for good, it returned. It came back to haunt me, figuring, I suppose, that I was an easy target. But then, I started to fight back. Suddenly, it was harder to get to me and the fear returned less and less. But, if I give in, even the slightest bit, the fear sees the opportunity and comes back to see how much it can get into my head.
So, here's the thing. You can stand up to the fear. You can fight the fly in your ear. You can regain control and you can be strong. But I forgot to mention the biggest secret of all, and that is this; to be able to fight this battle of the mind, and win, you must have faith in yourself.
We all know it. You know it and I know it. You are strong and you can do this. I can't promise the battle will ever go away completely. Fear will always be present. But the stronger you become, the easier it is to fight and the fly in your ear will grow weaker in return. If nothing else, remember this; you are the power source of the fear. You are the one who controls it's supply, so how much power will you give it?
Friday, January 23, 2015
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