It may not have seemed all that obvious to the world outside, but I could feel myself trembling as if the walls around me were made of ice. But, in actual fact, the temperature was quite comfortable. Yet, I still tremoured uncontrollably. Have you ever heard the phrase 'shaking like a leaf'? Well, that was me. Why? Well, my friends, there's this little thing. A little emotion driven by adrenaline. For some, it's signalled by a racing hurt, some people's breathing quickens or slows while others talk really fast or can't get even a word to pass their lips. But for me, I shake. And I shake a lot. And right there and then, I was in a cold environment with not enough layers on and I was experiencing a little hypothermia. At least, that's would it would appear to anyone looking in.
But, all my shaking had nothing to do with the temperature. Not that that mattered. We were inside, where the temperature was controlled. So why, I can hear you ask, and I imagine you're getting quite agitated. All this suspense is killing you, right? Well, here it is; I was shaking not because of the temperature but because of that small emotion some know as anxiety, others as fear. But in this situation, I think it would best be described as nerves. Perhaps a severe case of nerves, but nerves all the same.
So there I was, shaking all of the leaves off of a tree as I tried to psyche myself up. Today is the day I confront my fear. I never like to say negative things about others or admit weaknesses for fear people will think I'm being difficult. But today, that's exactly what I have to do, and so I sit here, and shake.
"So," she says, a bright, warm smile on her face. "What brings you here today?" I offer a weak smile in return and take a moment before speaking. "Well," I began, and from there, it all just flowed. It all came flooding out, and though I still shook, the severity of my tremouring seemed to have lessened considerably. The whole time, I watched her and she was nodding her agreement. When it was finally all out, I felt a heavy breath escape my lips.
"It feels good, doesn't it?" She asked, the brightness of her tone matching her mega-watt smile. I said nothing, simply taking a moment to enjoy the feeling of that heavy weight having been lifted from my shoulders as she speaks again. "I'm very glad you came to me. Because we can do something about it now. So thank you for coming to me. It was very brave of you because I could see that it was really getting to you."
"Thank you," was all I could think to say, and even then it came out a little breathless.
The smile finally erupted on my lips when the fresh air hit me in a strong gust of wind as I stepped outside and I could feel the elated spring in my step that had replaced the earlier shakes. I couldn't help but pause to spin in a happy little circle on the path. Even though in reality I had only taken the first step, it felt as if the battle was over. I had someone on my side!
All the fear, anxiety and worry from earlier has gone completely. I don't seem able to put a name on the feeling which replaces it. There's immense relief. But that's only part. This feeling swirling round within me making me smile uncontrollably is amazingly incredibly wonderful, and I feel on top of the world at the prospect of light at the end of the tunnel. At the knowledge that there is a little hope ahead.
I know it's hard but if there is a tough situation that you want changed, I encourage you to seek someone you trust and ask for their support in taking steps to resolve the problem. Because even the feeling of getting the ball rolling is simply unbeatable!
Saturday, May 30, 2015
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