She sat, staring unseeingly out the window. She was lost. In her own world, perhaps, or maybe her thoughts. In any case she was lost. Physically, her body was there, but who knew where her mind had gone to, only that it was far, far away from here. If it even was here or whether it had disappeared altogether. Nobody knew. But, she jumped at the sound of a faint whisper in her head. Make a big noise. You're gonna take on the world someday...
Around the seemingly mind-absent girl, people sat motionlessly, silently staring at glowing, blaring screens. They could have been described as zombies, robots, apparently robbed of the most important aspect of their minds, like the girl. But she was different. They acted like mindless drones, travelling from screen to screen, each the same as the others, each individual indistinguishable from the rest. Uniform. She was not like them. She was not dressed as they were. She did not move from screen to screen. She did not move at all, as if she were frozen in time. She heard nothing at all, while all they heard was radio gaga.
One day, something miraculous happened. The world, filled with endless white noise suddenly silenced, but only for a moment. One brief moment before another sound played. A continuous sound with rhythm, beat, melodies and harmonies unlike anything anyone had heard before. They reacted transiently before returning to their screens. But something within her had been ignited. At last, she turned away from the window, filled with curiosity at the novel noise. She was different, special.
This intriguing new sound, it turned out, was music. As technology had taken over this new world, this wonderful, joyous thing had been lost, almost completely. So now, at the sudden reappearance of it, something old was new again, and she was reinvigorated. New life had been breathed into her, and, it seemed, she was suddenly alive again. Now, she thought, I'm here.
Little did those around her realise, for they were still stuck in their zombie mode, she was embracing the spark of her spontaneously re-ignited life. The music had given her her life back, and now, she basked in it's newness. Because it, and the beauty it's sounds created seemed so familiar to her. So natural. She started moving around, waving her arms around. Smiling. Dancing, and allowing the music entering her ears to flow through her completely, filling her with sheer joy and calm in the process. These are the days...
Having discovered various pictures of musicians, she realised that unlike those around her, who all looked the same, the people in the pictures all looked different. No two people really looked alike,
and she realised, she did too. She had always known she was different, but now, she also realised that being different was ok. She looked at the others. The zombie clones, and shook her head. She wanted, desperately, to break free. One day, she thought, I'm gonna be free.
At this realisation, she knew that, not only that she wanted to break free, but that she needed to. But, she also knew, looking around her, that she'd have to make it on her own. So, she took a breath, returning to where the others sat, still mindlessly glued to their screens. "Let the music set you free. Let it flow through you and encourage you to move. Let it ignite your soul, warm your heart and let it set you free." She said as she left. She didn't know how the music worked. But, even if she had known, she would have left it on anyway, clinging to one last hope that they too, might one day be freed as she had been. She turned to face the door, reaching out to cautiously, slowly, open it. In the world beyond, she spied a single, shining light. So she set about following it, this one shaft of light that somehow, seemed to show the way.
Saturday, June 18, 2016
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