Monday, June 17, 2019

You'll See Me Again

I remember all those nights when I cried myself to sleep without you. The pain is less now, but sometimes, I still miss you. There's not a day that goes by that I don't still wish you were here.

That day, I thought you'd gone for good. Never to be seen again. But I heard someone say recently that nothing's truly gone. It's only out of place, and for the first time in a while, a smile crept across my face. That's nicer than thinking I'll never see you again. But it's not easy. None of this is easy.

The tears well in my eyes when your face appears in my mind. It was like I only saw you yesterday, but it's been so much longer than that. Nearly half a year. But then I remember, you're still around, even if you've disappeared from view. You're not gone. Not really. You're just invisible. I feel bad, laughing at the thought. But you would have liked that. It's only a pity that you had to die before you finally got your superpower.

You're around. You're just hiding somewhere, waiting until the day I find you and we see each other again. Because I will see you again. You promised me that. I remember now.  You clasped my hands in yours, and forced me to look at you. I leaned in close to hear your words, your faint whisper the product of all the strength you could muster. A tiny weight rises with the memory, and the realisation that you no longer have that struggle or that frustration. You're free now. Free and invisible.

As pleased as you would have been with it, that pesky superpower is like pinpricks piercing my heart. I'd give anything to be able to see you again. One last laugh, one last talk, one last warm embrace. I say that, everyone who's lost someone says that. But you never want it to be just 'one last'. We all want more. To rewind time and pause with them still here. To stay with them forever.

But you promised me. I'll see you again, you told me. You promised. You'd better believe I'll be holding you to it.

Unseen to the young woman you loved, you sit watching, a stream of tears falling from your eyes. Her pain rubs off onto you, and you feel her hurt as keenly as if it were your own. But through the sadness, you laugh as she embarks on another rant about the superpower you waited for all your life. Yes, I've always wanted a superpower. You reply, another pinprick piercing your heart lightly when you realise she won't hear you. But now that I have one, know I'd give anything to be rid of it. To be with you again. Really with you.

You step forward, closing the space between the two of you with a few short strides. You want to put your arms around her, but she won't feel it if you do. She doesn't even know you're here. Not for certain. Keep believing. I'm just lost, hiding, just like you said. Only out of place. Trust I'll always be here, watching over you. You always said you wanted a guardian angel. You've got one now. So hold on to that promise I made you. Because you know I never break them. You'll see me again. 

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