Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The Lone Chameleon

 Dear Mr. Stewart, 

My name is James and I live in Australia. I have been a fan of your art for a long time now. Particularly, your work The Lone Chameleon. I feel like a chameleon a lot because I feel like I'm invisible. No one really sees me, and if they do, they don't want to know me. I only wish that I could really turn invisible like the Lone Chameleon can. It might be better that way. I wouldn't be able to be seen to be picked on any more. 

Anyway, I have a chance at a friend, but whoever they are.. They want it to be secret. At least for now. I guess it's safer that way. I really like The Lone Chameleon and I wanted to know if it'd be ok for me to borrow the name to use with this new secret friend of mine? I hope you write back and it's ok. 



Dear James, 

You can call me Marty if you'd like. Mr. Stewart makes me sound a bit old, but I'm really not sure if I'm that much older than you. I'm really happy to hear you like The Lone Chameleon so much. It's one of my favorite creations. You're welcome to borrow, or should I share the name. I'll just ask one thing if I may- if anyone asks where it came from, tell them about me, ok? 

I'm not sure if you've seen or know about it already, but if you look on my website, I've written the story behind The Lone Chameleon there. I thought that might interest you, but want to say for now that you're not alone. Also, it sounds like things might be a little rough for you- I'm real sorry about that and hope it gets better soon. All the Best, 



Marty Stewart was first featured in my short story The Storyteller, written in honour of Stan Lee, which you can read here

You can also read more of James's story in my latest longer release, Cam & Goldie, over on Wattpad here. The first few chapters are up now. 

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