Monday, April 17, 2023

Chasing The Light

 It had been so long since she'd seen light that when she came across it again, it was like she was discovering it for the very first time. Her small, restricted space was dark, almost pitch black. The introduction of a little lightbulb was fascinating. Even more so when it started to glow. She wanted so much to hold it and protect the warmth that emanated from the bulb, but it was more than warm to the touch.


Slow and careful, she inspected the light from each angle. her gaze locked on it she watched transfixed as it started to rise up and out of her space. She rose after it, finding that with help, she too could be lifted from the dark place she’d been trapped in. She stood, steady and cautious, like a bird testing it’s wings for flight. Then, she jumped back down and held the walls that had confined her, realising there was another escape between them. She tested the possibility, like an innocent preparing for a jailbreak and found that yes, she could leave that way too.


Slow and sure, she stepped out of the confines she’d thought herself trapped in. A little way out, she leapt for joy at the feeling of freedom and space. The light guided her all the while. She ran and reached for it again, managing to grasp the rope to which it was attached. Joyously, defiantly, she allowed the light to fly and dance around her.


She turned in dizzying circles at the return of the restrictive space she’d once been in. Where had the light disappeared to when she’d lost her hold? But this time, the space didn’t seem so scary or confining. Letting out a breath she allowed herself to revel in the space and her newfound knowledge that she was free to leave it whenever she wanted. This small space with her’s, in which to be and she could use it as a platform from which to not just fly, but soar.


She tilted her head back, basking in the feeling of wind rushing past her. Only then did the lightbulb, with its glowing light, appear once more. And only now when she finally able to take it in her hands. As she held it and felt its warmth radiating through her fingertips, she realised the light was within her. It shone to fuel her movements and guide her way forward. only then, comforted and safe in that knowledge, holding tight to the light bulb itself could she blow out the light it held.

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