Wednesday, June 26, 2024


The man, whose hair colour matched some of the pastel pinks of the sunrise unfolding above, nudged the two companions either side of him. Together, they rose from the water just enough to see. Their destination had come into view on the horizon. 

The three stopped, closing their eyes to inhale deeply. Not that you had to close your eyes to take a breath in, though it certainly enriched the experience. Closing your eyes, the three had found, was one way to awaken your other senses and allow you to more fully take in the environment around you. 

Only once there had been a few of these deep breaths did they all open their eyes again to begin taking in the view before them. Like a social media filter, there was a natural glow over everything that only the early morning sun could give.

"Woah," said sunrise pink hair. 

"That trip was definitely worth it," agreed the young woman to his left, with locks of light lemon.  

“Yeah.” Their other female companion, hair brighter blue than that of the ocean and sky combined,  said.  

A breeze, not too warm, yet not too cool, blew over their faces. Up to just below their eyes were, for now, still beneath the water. The three looked at each other and nodded before slowly starting to walk forwards, their bodies rising up and out of the blue water as they did so, disturbing the stillness momentarily. The sun beamed down on them, warm encouragement as they emerged into their new world.  

As she stepped onto the sandy beach, brighter blue exhaled heavily. Though her wetness was still weighing her down, it felt like a greater weight had been lifted as she set foot on dry land. 

Behind her, sunrise pink beamed like the sun. "We're free again," he said.  

Locks of light lemon stood stock still on the water's edge. She too, breathed a sigh of relief. "Everything here is new.  We can start over." 

Brighter blue nodded. "It's a new dawn." Her hands began to shake from the adrenaline starting to course through her veins.  

"A new beginning," echoed sunrise pink, bouncing on his toes. 

"A new day."  

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