Thursday, March 25, 2010
The Last Boy in Class

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Flame of Anger

Sunday, March 21, 2010
Sea Dreams


Friday, March 19, 2010
Autumn Adventure

The view was amazing. It was autumn in Hillstop Mountain and the sweet, late afternoon breeze smelled of wildflowers. I came here often. Sometimes with someone, and sometimes, like that day, I came alone.
I had always sat there, admiring the view. But that day, I wanted to be different. I wanted to explore, what was beyond the autumn tree. So I did. I got up, and began strolling along the hill. Past the tree and then another one.
I came to a hill. So I lay down, on the soft, fresh, green grass and began rolling, down, down, down the hill I went. It seemed endless, like I would never stop rolling. But then, suddenly it was darker. It slowly closed in around me. I began to get frightened. It felt as if the ground was moving beneath me now. Mabye it was. But how would I know?
I had been trapped now for at least a half hour. I had fallen asleep. I now lay awake, still frightened. My senses told me I was in a sack. I looked up. But I couldn't see anything. Nothing but darkness.
Surely, my mother would be worried. I only spent 45 minutes near the autumn tree. I wasn't sure but I could sense that an hour had passed.
Mabye 15 minutes later, the sack began to open, light filled the sack. Fresh air. I took a deep breath of it. Slowly, the sack opened up even more. I started to climb out. "Hello." Said a confused voice. I looked up, squinting to try and make out the face. It was an elderly man. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you were in there Love. I would've let you out otherwise." He said. "I'll take you home if you like." He said. 'no!' I thought. 'Don't go with strangers!' So instead, I said. "Could you just give me directions to the hill you took me from?"
So the man gave me directions, I found my way home and told my mum all about the adventure I had had that day over a nice warm cup of hot chocolate.