I sat under my favourite tree in Colourvale. My two sisters, Georgia and Lucy sat either side of me. "It's boring here Katie." Lucy moaned. "Can we go somewhere else?" Georgia pitched in. "I like it here." I replied.
"Well we're going." Georgia stood up. "No." Lucy pulled her down again. "Mum said we have to stay together." Lucy said. "Well I guess you two can stick together then." With that Georgia stormed off into the distance. Lucy and I stayed there. We thought she'd gone for a walk, so we stayed sitting, under the tree, it's huge, droopy green leaves shading us from the sun.
After a while, Dad came out. "Where's Georgia?"He asked. "We don't know." Lucy said. "She stormed off a little while ago." I added. "I thought your mother told you to stick together." Dad was getting angry. "She did." I replied. "But Georgia didn't listen." Lucy told Dad. "She said I guess you can stick together then." I shivered at the image of the look on Georgia's face. "Argh! That girl's going to be in big trouble when she turns up." Dad mumbled.
Lucy was shivering all over now. She got frightened when Dad got angry. Dad turned around. "Come here Lucy!" Dad opened his arms to Lucy. Lucy ran into them. "I'm not angry at you Lucy. I'm angry at Georgia. For running away." Dad explained. "Ok Dad." Lucy whispered.
"I'll go get your mother." Dad stood up, waving Lucy off him. "Girls, stay here in case she cames back." Dad told us. A couple of minutes later, Dad came running towards us, Mum flying behind him.
"Did you see which way she went?" Asked Dad. "Down the street a bit," I started. "THen down the bush track on the left." Lucy finished. "Ok. I'm going after her." Dad said, and began to walk down the street. "Be careful!" Mum called after him. Mum sat with us then. And we waited.
It seemed like hours before we saw Dad, trudging up the street, pulling Georgia by the arm. Mum began to run.
"Where on earth were you Georgia?" Mum practically screamed at her. When they got to us, Georgia was trying to pull away from Dad's iron grip. But no such luck. We walked along behind them, watching Dad leading the way, Georgia trying to set herself free and Mum, screaming from behind. I laughed. The scene before me looked like a clown act in a circus. A hilarious one at that.
But what happened to Geotgia? Well, when we got home she was given a huge lecture then grounded for a month. And she hasn't dare disobey Mum and Dad since that day.
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