My anger had never flared up as bad as it had that day. It had been a typical school day. And as normal, the class was acting like a circus. They were monkies climbing endlessly up the walls. The noise level was tremendous, like a pack of elephants, trumpeting to the rest of the pack.
The usual queen bees, sat in the corner, bickering and gossiping with one another. Then their leader Sabrina came over, the rest of her gang close behind. "So is it the reddy then is it?" She said. "Sitting all alone." Her friend Denise pitched in. "Being a little nerdy loser." The other girl, Josie added. "Just like usual." They all chimed in, laughing is they walked back to their corner of the classroom.
Suddenly, before I knew what I was doing, I stood up. "You want to pick on me?" My voice had risen. The whole class was staring at me now, wondering what would happen next. "What you gonna do about it?" Sabrina stood up to face me. "Yeah you little baby!" Josie took her place at Sabrina's side. Denise followed soon after. I was silent. I went over to her and grabbed her hands and twisted them. Sabrina squealed in pain. But at that moment, I thought she deserved it. So I continued. "Mrs Green!" Josie rushed to Sabrina's aid. "Look what Garnet's doing!" Denise squealed too.
Mrs. Green looked over. I stopped, filled with worry at what might happen to me. "Garnet is not doing anything." Mrs Green informed them. "And anless anyone has any evidence proving what Sabrina, Denise and Josie are saying is true, I will not beleive it." She continued. No one had anything.
"Now everyone, back to your seats!" We all rushed back to our seats. "You might have got away with it this time Garnet. But not next time." Sabrina hissed. But I wasn't afraid. I'd find a statergy before my anger flared up again.
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