I was at home with my Dad, playing out in the yard with our dog, Rusty, when Mum, my big sister Dana and my little brother Tom arrived home from grocery shopping.
Dad and I left Rusty and went inside to help Mum unpack. Halfway through the unpacking, I found a rubbery flat thing in a circular shape packaged in a box in one of the bags. "What's this?" I asked Mum, holding it up in the air like it was a huge gold medal I'd won.
"Oh that?" Said Mum, looking up. "That's just a silly old gym ball. Don't worry about it." "Ok." I said, put it down and walked away.
Later on that day, I sat on Mum's bed, watching as she blew up this mysterious 'gym ball'. As she blew, it grew bigger, and bigger, and bigger until it was slightly bigger then my two year old little brother Tom. "Whoa! That's huge." I said, flabborgasted. "That's the way your Dad and I like it Jake, that's all." Mum reasoned. I didn't really want a reson. But no matter, I got it anyway.
A few days later, when I was lying, innocently on my bedroom floor. I saw it. A huge, blue, round shape I figured must have been the ball. It came charging towards me, just like a bull does when it sees the colour red. I put my head down, just in time.
It could feel it, over my legs, squashing me t the ground, then my chest, my shoulders, and finally my head. I flail my arms above my head, just in time to catch it. I sat up, the huge boulder of a ball still in my hands to examine what had flattened me. Just as i suspected the culprit was, indeed, Mum's gym ball. The other culprit, I realised was standing in my doorway. "Yay! Yay! Again! Again! Jake funny." Squealed Tom, the two year old mischief maker I had as a brother. "No Tom, not sgain." I sighed, lifting the ball from above me and shoving it over my head, where it bounced along violently, until finally settling in the corner of my room. "But what we can do," I continued, wrapping my arm around his small frame, "is play a trick on Dana."
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