"Jet Star Flight JQ6540 to Paris will have a further delay of 1 and a half hours. Jet Star sincerely apologises for the delay, and any inconvienience this may cause. Thankyou." That was our flight. Great! Hayden and I had already been waiting for an hour and a half. We may as well have gone home right then and there. But we didn't. "Great! Claire, what do you want to do now?" Hayden groaned. He leant against my shoulder. He was tired enough as it was from the wedding and all that. We should have stayed the night in a hotel and flown out the next day. But we didn't. We were kind of stuck here now anyway, so what was the point in thinking about it.
Our flight came, after a long wait and we got on board right away. I fell asleep on Hayden's shoulder, and when I woke up to read for a bit, he fell asleep on mine. The trip was exhausting.
Halfway through the flight, we began to drop. We began to fall, racing down towards the ground. We were going to crash. I could feel it. We were rushing. Down, down, down. Rapidly decending.
This went on for maybe, say 15 minutes before we came to a complete stop. "Right. Everyone out of the plane please." The pilot instructed. "Hayden, wake up." I nudged the sleeping Hayden next to me. "Huh? What? What's going on?" He asked grogilly. "We've got to get off the plane now. Quick." I tugged his arm.
When we were safetly out of the plane, where we were really hit. Both Hayden and I "This isn't Paris." I was not happy. "Where are we Hun?" Hayden groaned. Even though we had slept half the trip each, he was still tired. Probably all the wedding stuff I guessed. "I don't know. But let's go and find out." I pulled him along, towards the flight attendants, who were all gathered at the head of the plane. "Where are we?" I demanded from one of them. "I'm sorry Miss. We'll be in Paris soon enough. But it may take a while. They're sending another plane to take you there as soon as possible." She explained. "Well that doesn't help much." I muttered, to myself, so that only Hayden and I could hear.
Hayden and I spent the next 3 hours making ourselves a little shack out of all the resources we could find. When we finally finished, Hayden collapsed and fell asleep on the bed we had made from logs and huge leaf fronds. It was a double bed we had made, so I settled on the other side and read my book a while.
We ended up staying in the desert in the middle of nowhere for at least 3 weeks before we were rescued.
Hayden and I loved it. We had made quite a little house for ourselves out of all we could find around the place. We used heaps of sticks and vines to make the walls, sand for the fllors covered by large palm fronds and doorways were left as a space we could walk through. tables, we piled sticks on top of eachother to make a rectangular shape. Then we made chairs the same, way but in a chair shape.
It was fun trying to figure out how to make everyday household obbjects out of stuff like sticks, sand, palm fronds, sand, wetsand, dirt and all the other things we had brought and could find. But I must say it was a challenge, and very draining!
We were rescued three weeks after crash landing in the dessert. I must say, I was very relived to go home. As was Hayden.
We still haven't been to Paris yet. We the crash landing in the desert to be our honeymoon instead. However, we do plan to go to Paris in the very near future, for our upcoming first anniversary.
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