Scarlet had one wish for her seventh birthday. She wanted a birthday party. A big one, with all her friends and family. So as a huge surprise, her parentds through her one. Scarlet didn't know a thing about it. Well she didn't until she walked into her house on Saturday afternoon with her mother. Everyone jumped out from the behind the furniture, "surprise!" They all yelled.
"Happy birthday, Scarlet." Scarlet's father stepped out from the crowd, her little brother Rowan following close behind. Scarlet's father was holding out a white birthday cake drizzled with pale pink icing. There were seven, bright pink candles lighting up the space around them. "Make a wish." Whispered Scarlet's mother Blanche whispered to Scarlet. Scarlet puled back her hair and blew out all seven candles in one breath. "Happy birthday Scarlet!" Everyone cheered.
Next came presents. Scarlet sat on a lounge chair and everyone gathered round. Her little brother Rowan helped with the presents, passing them to her as she went.
The first she opened was from one of her friends, Marina. It was a small dolphin charm. Scarlet and Marina had that in common, the fact that they both loved dolphins. Next she opened Lilly's gift, another friend from school. It was a purple poppy charm. Next came a leaf charm from another school friend, Olive and then a heart charm and a charm braclet from her best friend, Rachel. Her family gave her parents too. Too many to mention all in one go though. Way too many! Scarlet's family loved spoiling her!
"Where's Nan and Pop?" Scarlet asked suddenly. "They couldn't make it sweet heart." Blanche said gently. "Really? Why not?" Asked Scarlet. "Their car broke down. I'm sorry Sweet heart." Blanche said, sympathetically. "But they did promise to take you on a picnic tomorrow instead." Scarlet's father Oliver put in. "Ok." Scarlet agreed.
Sure enough, just as they had promised, they took Scarlet out for a picnic the very next day. They went to Scarlet's favourite park and had all her favourite food, honey sandwiches, fairy bread, apple muffins, strawberry tarts and even a birthday cake. Scarlet had an absolute ball. They were out with her for a while, and returned Scarlet home at around 3 that afternoon. Scarlet had had a ball.
Dedicated to my cousin, Louise. Happy seventh birthday gorgeous girl!
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