The next day, at nine o' clock in the morning, the guests began arriving. After a while, it was time for Eric to open his presents. The last one he opened was from his nan. He slowly but carefully unwrapped it. It was revealed to be a 4 ball point pen. "Oh Nan!" He complained. "Oh but it's not just any pen deary, it's a special pen. A magic pen. " Eric's nan, Shirley told him. "How does it work?" Eric asked, suddenly interested. "You must read the instructions carefully." Shirley instructed him. "Yes Nan." Eric promised.
That night, Eric put on the CD with the instructions. The CD explained that there were 5 rules:
1. don't push more than 1 ball down at a time
2. Once you press the ball down, the adventure begins
3. you can only go on each adventure once.
4. to get out of the adventure, walk through the door coloured the same as the ball you pushed down and
5. you may not return from the adventure until the problem has been solved.
"Adventure? What adventure?" Eric wondered out aloud. He figured that the best way to find out was to do it.
So. he pushed one of the balls down, and almost immediately he was transported somewhere else. He looked over his shoulder. There was a long , narrow stream running off a water fall. "Thank heavens you're here." Said a voice. "Down here, sir." It came again. Eric looked down. There, standing beside him was a short little man. "Our water is polluted. The trolls are putting their rubbish into the little pool at the top." The little man continued. 'This must be the problem I have to solve.' Eric thought.
Eric followed the little gnome up the hill, to where the trolls stood, emptying their garbage bins into the water. "Excuse me," Eric said, not quite loud enough to be heard. "Excuse me." He tried again, raising his voice a little this time. "Yes?" A tall, plump troll that appeared to be the troll's leader turned around to face Eric. "I was just wondering, might there be somewhere else you can dispose of your rubbish?" Eric asked, timidly. "No!" The troll shouted firmly, his voice thundering so much it shook the ground. The troll was angry now.
"Oh dear." The gnome whispered to Eric. "Once you get them angry, there's no reasoning with them. They get dangerous when they're angry. Oh do be careful." The gnome worried. "Of course." Eric whispered back. "Please, Mr. Troll. You see, your rubbish is polluting the gnome's water." Eric turned back to the troll, pleading. "I said no. Now stop messing about with me!" The troll roared. "Quick! We must get away!" The gnome cried, grabbing Eric's hand and breaking into a run.
Eric paced in the gnome's living room as he tried to think up a plan.
After much discussion with the gnome, Eric thought up a plan. So, with the help of all the gnomes in the area, Eric and his gnome friend built a huge gate, blocking off the clearing at the top of the waterfall, so the trolls couldn't get in. After that, they created a secret entrance for the gnomes to go in and out as they pleased.
After all of this was completed, a blue door the same colour as the ball Eric had pushed down appeared. "Goodbye!" He waved to the gnome and his friends before stepping through the door. "Farewell, kind friend!" The gnomes waved back to Eric. With that, he stepped through the door and returned home, in his bedroom. Just like nothing had ever happened.
That night, as Eric's mother tucked him into bed, Eric trid to tell her of the magic pen and the adventure he had had that day. "That's nice Eric. I'm sure you had a freat time. Now try to get some rest." His mother sighed. She didn't believe him. She knew that nothing like that could ever happen. 'What nonsense has my Mother put into that boy's head now?' She thought as she turned out the light and left the room.
But Eric knew it was true. He still believes it is tue. But he doesn't believe. He knows.
To this day, Eric still regularly goes on adventures and has great fun doing it.
For Michael, let your imagination run wild! Happy 8th birthday.
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