There was once a girl. That girl ws unruly. Her parents had tried everything they could think of. But still, nothing. She was misbehaving in school and her grades were rapidly deteriorating. Her parents were both on the verge of a meltdown. This was the fourth high school she had attended. So far she had had 3 expelsions from previous schools and was on her third suspension at her current. One more and she would be expelled from that school too.
That girl is me. Hi, I'm Kate. Known to my family as Kate the Catastrophe. I'm pretty much a rebel. I donm't like my family much. They're not that interesting. My sister, Fiona, she's alright. But she's the only one I even like.
Fiona is a goody two shoes. She does great at school, is the top of her year for pretty much every subject and has pretty much no social life. That's because she spends all her free time studying. Fiona's cool. She's a little strange too. She believes that ghosts, vampires, aliens and all that are real. But I just think that is a load of rubbish. Although my nan always tells me "You'll be thinking differenly when your sister discovers something unusual. Believe you me, Kate. You'll be thanking your lucky stars Fiona is your sister when that happens."
But what was to come, neither Fiona or I were prepared for...
On Monday, I recieved my fourth and final suspension and expellsion from the last school in our area. I had inflicted violence on a fellow peer. But that was normal for me. Yep, I know what you're thinking 'Good heavens! Holy mackrel!' Just hear me out, ok. Because what happened next will blow your mind.
"Right, that's it. I've warned you time and time again Kate. But that is the final straw!" Mum shouted at me. "You're going to military school." So the next day, as promised, I was shipped off to military school.
When I returned home for a visit that weekend, the unthinkable happened. I was hanging out with Fiona in her room, when suddenly. "Kate! Look! It's a sdpace ship!" She yelled. "You're joking!" I laughed. "No Kate. I'm serious. Seriously, look!" She shouted at me. I looked, and sure enough, there was a spaceship racing towards us. It crash landed in our front garden.
Fiona and I ran out front to have a look. A little carpet rolled down from the space ship. The door rolled down and out walked the weirdest thing I had ever seen. "Nan was right after all." I muttered. "I come in peace. I surrender to my superior." It said, raising it's arms as if Fiona and I were pointing guns at it, ready to fire any moment. "Take us to your leader." Fiona ordered it. It did as asked. We followed it. It was quite tall. It looked to me like a cross between a shark, mosquito, snake, crocodile and vulture. I shuddered.
"I am Dlanket. I come in peace. I surrender to my superior." Dlanket repeated, once we were inside his spaceship. Just then an image appeared before us. It was of an alien. One that looked just the same as Dlanket. "Sir Flanket! Highness." Dlanket exclaimed, bowing slightly.
He might have been Dlanket's leader. I didn't know. Fiona seemed intrigued though. "I come in peace. I surrender to myI knew superior." Dlanket repeated, yet again. By this stage, I was convinced that Dlanket was a robot."I am your superior you dim wit!" Sir Flanket yelled. "I knew I shouldn't have sent you! I knew I'd regret this!" He shouted, even louder this time.
"You are to return to the Home Planet immediately!" He yelled. Before Fiona and I knew what was going on, we were sitting with saw backsides on the green dewy grass on our front lawn. I got up dusted myself off and began my self defense routine. I had only been at military school for a week. But that was a week long enough to learn how to defend myself in an emegency. And thos was certainly an emergency.
But by the time I had turned around, the alien space ship had vanished.
And so the story of my first, and last alien encounter. Even now that I have seen an 'alien', I still think Fiona's theories are rubbish. Not that I tell her of course! I reckon he was a robot. Either that or the whole thing was a dream sequence. I still think that the 'alien' was a robot. Even now, looking back at that weird and whacky day.
Unfortunately, it wasn't the dream sequence. It was real. Not that I believe it, and not that I ever will. I believe it was all a hazy vision. Made up courtesy of my weird and whacky brain.
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