The main male figure in Stella's life was her grandad. Her parents had split up when Stella was just a year old. After that, her father disappeared.
Now, at the age of 5, Stella admired her grandad more than any other male in the world. He was one of the best things that could ever have happened to her. He made her smile and laugh when she was frowning and sad. He played with her, joked with her, loved her, hugged her and held her.
To Stella, her Grandpa was like a star who walked on the red carpet. He was the man that proudly held Stella on his shoulders. He was the man who loved her, held her, hugged her and was there for Stella whenever and if ever she needed him.
Stella's grandad was always there. He always loved her and always, no matter what, supoorted her. No matter what, he was always, always there.
Dedicated to my own Grandad. Thanks for always, always being there. Happy birthday!
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