There was once a lake. A lake that had a tiny little island in the middle of it. On either side of that llittle island was two narrow rivers. Those rivers lead to two completely different cities. See, there is a legend that says the two islands were once combined but slowly drifted apart as their rulers did many years ago. Two brothers of a wealthy family both wanted to rule the one big land. In an attempt to settle the dispute, their dying father divided that land into two parts so one brother could rule each. Unfortunately, that didn't stop the dispute between the two brothers. In fact, their brotherly row soon escalated into a feud. And the theory of some is that as the feud grew deeper, the more the two lands that the two brothers ruled drifted further apart.
Once a year, the citizens of the two lands travelled via ferries to the middle island that seperated the two little rivers and their respective cities. It was there that the two communities would gather for their annual River Island Festival. It lasted four days, the last two days of the year and the first two days of the new year. It was during that festival that the children would be told the legend of the two cities at night, like a bedtime story.
Unlike in the legend, the two cities were now close and they quite often worked together. Acceptance of people from the other city was encouraged as was unity and welcoming of town newcomers.
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