There was once a little flock of wild flamingoes. They lived peacefully in a large lake. Humans hadn't been there in years. The only sign left of humans was a fence up against a rock wall plaited with lavender flowers. Although the lavenders were long dead, it looked sweet all the same.
But one day hunters invaded the flamingoes sanctuary. They came in and tried to kill the flamingoes. Luckily, there was one tiny little one that managed to slip away. "This bit always makes me sad Mummy." Cindy said, little tears prickling in her eyes. "I know sweetie. But it turns out all good in the end right?" To that Cindy simply nodded. Her mother waited a moment to see if Cindy was going to say anything more. But, she stayed quiet so Cindy's mother
That little flamingo went wandering until she found another flamingo. He had been hiding under a tall willow tree. He'd escaped from another flock of flamingoes that had been attacked by hunters. So the little flamingo lead him back to her lake and there they stayed, never bothered by humans again. As time went on, they had their own kids and made their own little flock.
As Cindy's mother finished the story, she noticed that Cindy had fallen fast asleep. "It always works like a charm." She whispered to herself as she crept quietly out of the room.
For my best friend Elizabeth on her birthday. Happy birthday Elizabeth!
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