Stella was the most popular girl at her high school. She set the standards and ruled the place. For her to fall in love with one of the supposed 'loser' crowd was unthinkable. So when it actually happened, Stella and her new beau, Clint had the whole school talking.
After Stella realised that her good reputation and popularity within the school were rapidly deteriorating, she gave Clint an ultimateum. They could be together in secret or not at all. To Stella's great suprise, Clint elected to not be together at all. "I thought you loved me Stella. Being together in secret isn't really love. If you can't stand to be seen with me in public, you can't stand to be seen with me at all." Having said that, he walked away leaving Stella standing in his wake, stunned.
Clint had been right. If you're embarassed to be seen with someone in public, you don't deserve to be seen with them at all. Clint walked away not one bit upset. He thought she had loved him. But seeing that wasn't the case, he didn't feel the need to worry about Stella anymore. He'd find someone else. Someone better. Someone who loved Clint for who he was, faults and flaws included. He knew that day would come, as it does for everyone. He'd just have to wait, and Clint knew that good things come to those who wait. Patience is the key to finding love. If you wait patiently, the right person will come.
Happy valentines Day everyone.
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