Sunday, May 12, 2013


Nature and the environment are most often what first comes to mind when the word green is first mentioned. Trees, leaves, grass and the vegetables your parents made you eat as a child but you hated are all green. It can symbolise money and mean life, well being, good luck and jealousy as well as a signal to tell us 'go'.

Anger, rage and a signal 'stop' can all be the colour red. Red can mean danger, and sometimes joy and prosperity. It can be a flashing light accompanied by a siren warning you to move quickly out of the way while the emergency vehicle rushes past. Red is passion and intensity. It can be a fire fueled desire and can mean extreme heat.

Happines, optisim, clarity and wisdom are all the colour yellow. It's the blinding colour of the sun, a bright banana or a pretty daffodil flower. Yellow is the colour of walls in the nursery of a baby whose gender isn't yet known and the colour of a squeaky rubber duck waiting to play at bathtime. Lemons and falling autumn leaves are all yellow.

The sky, the seas, calm, peace, cold, tranquility and sadness can all be blue. The colour of jeans, butterflies and things for newborn baby boys, blue can be confidence, harmony, unity, cleanliness, loyalty and even an appetite suppressant. Sometimes, blue can appear to be the colour of the moon and can have a naturally, soothing, calming effect.

Most often a quite depressing colour, black can be grief, fear, elegance, wealth, evil, anonymity and sometimes death. Black is the colour of night and darkness, of negativity, bad experiences, fear and threat. It can be a leather jacket, electrical wires or remote controls. Black can bring with it grief and remorse, mystery and evil, or even possibility.

Purple is often associated with royalty and nobilty. It can be the colour of power, enlightenment, peace, magic and purpose. Purple is the colour of pretty flowers and the sky at sunset. It can sometimes appear to be the colour of the flash of lightning in a stormy sky and a jacaranda tree.

Purity, innocence, humility and precision can all be the colour white. White can be truth and openess, clarity and cleanliness. White is the colour of cold winters and snow, potatoes, ice cream and milk. White is said to be able to promote new begininnings and development.

Pink is the colour of romance, love, tenderness and acceptance Pink can mean fullness, achievment and neautrilisation of negative behaviours, feelings or emotions. Pink is the colour of flowers, pigs and things for newborn baby girls.  Magnolia trees, contentment, fairy floss and quiet are all things pink.

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