At the time, it had seemed a brilliant idea to Sirena. She had been getting rather tired of cooped at home. She had been there so long, stuck in the one place that it had become incredibly boring. Minutes had started to feel like hours and days like weeks.
So, she had decided it was time for a change, which to her seemed long overdue. Besides, she was nearing 18, and wasn't that around the age where children started to move away from home and branch out? Having never really known her parents, she wasn't real sure but she guessed that that was what generally happened.
The city differed greatly from what she was used to back home. For one thing, this particular city was a lot drier than she was used to and there was certainly a considerable amount of sunsgine, unlike her hometown which had been quite dark with not a lot of colour. Whereas, this city was full of colour.
So, as she walked down the city's main street, people stared. But, Sirena realised, they had reason to. When you were walking on a tail in place of legs, a little staring and attention was to be expected. Right?
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