Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The Great Magico

Inspired by the musical CATS and the character 'Mr. Mistofelees'.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
The Journey of Life

I'm Brooke and I've just graduated from high school. Now comes the rest of my life. Now comes reality. But what do I want to do with it? I have absolutely no idea. Up until my goal has been to graduate from high school. Well, I've done that. Now what? My parents think I should go to uni. But to go to uni, I have to have some idea of what I want to do. But me, I've got nothing. Not a thing.
Someone once told me that life is a journey, not a destination. You've got to take it slow and steady, just like the tortise in that children's story. Slow and steady wins the race. I guess they're right in a way. If you go speeding off from the starting line, you get tired pretty quick, and eventually you've got to stop and slow down. In the long run, racing doesn't really get you anywhere. In my opinion it's better to go slow, stop relax and enjoy the moments as they pass you by.
I'll decide in my own time what I'd like to do with the rest of my life. But for now, I'll sit back, relax, take it slow and enjoy the ride to my future ahead.
Life is a journey, a path one takes, a path with twists and turns and ups and downs. The path is a journey. The journey of life.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Matthew & Son

Monday, November 29, 2010
Lilly's Van Gough dream

Friday, November 19, 2010
All A Dream

On this particular Sunday, Polly grew tired during her visit to the secret clearing, so she lay down, closed her eyes and fell fast asleep. When Polly woke up, she felt something funy, sitting on her chest. A tiny little bunny. Polly felt something warm, wet on her hand. She looked to her side. It was a tiny puppy, licking at her hand. She sat up. Over near the flowerbed stood a horse.
Polly got up and rubbed her eyes, then blinked a few times. It was real, as far as she could tell. So, she stood up and brushed herself down, then walked over toward the horse, the puppy and bunny following close behind.
Polly got up on the horse and they begin riding around, then they came to a dark aisle, lined by trees. Polly and the horse turned to go back the other way. Polly looked back. She saw a dark figure. A person most likely. He appeared to be charging toward Polly and the horse. Polly gasped, clenched her eyes closed and quickly looked away.
Polly felt sometthing, someone nudge her. Her eyes open. Above her, gently shaking her was her grandmother. "You fell asleep Polly." Her grandma said. "It was all just a dream." "All a dream." Polly repeated.
Darren's Holden Wish

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Princess? Or Just Queen Bee?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
In His Eyes

Friday, October 15, 2010

Saturday, October 9, 2010
Stella's Grandad

The 'Alien' Encounter

Friday, September 17, 2010
Dance Competition

Eversince she was a little girl, Jane had loved to dance. Mainly the waltz.
She and her husband, Henry had been dancing for 46 years when they were asked to represent their suburb, Gosford in NSW of Australia in a dancing competition for couples. They agreed and set off to Sydney for the competition.
Jane would amit to Henry every night how scared she was. After all, Jane had never been in a competition before, let alone a dancing competition. Every night, over and over, Henry would tell her the exact same thing. "You're a wonderful dancer Love. You'll knock 'em dead."
Jane only believed him the moment before they went on stage. Their song, 'In His Eyes' began. Henry held out his hand. "Come on, Jane. Let's show those kids how it's done." Jane took Henry's hand, and together they stepped out onto the dancefloor and do what they did best. Dance.
It came down to Jane and Henry and 4 other couples who had done the waltz. It was then that Jane became really nervous then. She and Henry were the oldest couple there. Henry being 67 and Jane 65. Jane felt for all the other couples in that round with them.
Hazel and Ernie, were a couple in their 50's from Adelaide in South Australia. They had performed to the classic ABBA, 'Super Trouper'. That had been the song that had played the night the couple first met when they were in their late teenage years. It was special to them.
Rebecca and Maurice were a couple in their late 30's from Kalgoolie in Western Australia. They had dedicated their performance to their son, Murray, who was sitting watching them in the audience. He had been a miracle child. He had down's syndrome. Their song had been 'Saving Grace'.
Wes and Ella were in their mid 20's. They came from Melbourne in Victoria. 'Love is All Around' had been their song. Even Ella had not been prepared for what came after they danced. He bent down on one knee and asked her hand in marriage. She had accepted.
Liam and Danielle were the youngest couple in the competition, in their late teenage years. They were from Craddle Mountain in Tasmania. 'Sugar Mouse' had been the song they had performed to. They had said it was 'their' song. They had grown up and been through school together. Now, they had started going out.
Charlotte and Ernie were eliminated first. Then the judges had needed to see the four remaining couples perform again. They deliberated again then. Rebecca and Maurice had been eliminated next. However, they were given a constalation prize after hearing the story of their son, Murray. They were given $500 dollars toward Murray's schooling, flowers and a box of chocolates.
Then it was down to Wes and Ella, Danielle and Liam and Jane and Henry, who would all be placed. Jane and Henry came third, Liam and Danielle second and Wes and Ella first.
The top 5 couples were then asked to come back on to the dancefloor and they did this group, rotation dance to 'Without Love'. The men stood in a line, and starting with their own partner, they took one step forward, back, side and side and then the girl would spin on to the next man and repeat the process.
Jane was really pleased with third place as was Henry. They continued to dance in competitions and won the very next one they entered.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Lake Cloud

Every Sunday, Hallie's dad would buy them ice cream sundaes and they would sit, legs dangling over the dock, side by side looking out at the view. That was how they bonded. Then, they'd play catch in Lake Cloud Park. That was fun. It was a routine. A fun, happy routine that both Hallie and her dad looked forward to every week.
But when Hallie's parents split up, her dad disappeared, never to be seen again. Hallie was devestated. Now who would she go to Lake Cloud with?
When she was 14, Hallie retrurned to Lake Cloud by herself. It was then that she met Heath. They began to date. Usually going to Lake Cloud.
Hallie's dad turned up many ytears later, when Hallie was 19 and engaged to Heath. She gulped when she saw him. When he spotted her, he came bounding over. "Hallie! Sweet heart!" He said, trying to hug her. "No Dad. No. YOu left me when I was a vulnerable, innocent, naive little girl. You walked away from me. So now, I'm returning the favour, and walking away from you." Hallie told him, turned and began to walk off, back to Heath.
Hallie never heard from her Dad again. She and Heath were married a year later, when Hallie was 20, at the same place thwy had first met. Lake Cloud.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
A New Life

I discovered my power 2 weeks ago today. I'm a scientist now, a year out of uni, aged 22. I just simply spread my arms out, and up, up, up into the air I went. I could fly! I can fly! I can't believe it! These types of things, they just don't happen. I decided I had to get away. If my family found out, they'd disown me. If my boy friend found out, he'd dump me. I had to get away. I just knew it. Otherwise, I'd be dead.
So, I quit my job, faked my own death spread my arms out, and went flying. Looking for somewhere else to go. Somewhere else to live. Somewhere to start my new life. I decided to change my name to Regina Fitzgerald. That way, no one would find out my true identity, and realise what I'd done.
I settled for a dessert and put my arms back at my sides. The small suitcase of belongings I carried in my right arm sped up my crash landing. I rushed, as fast as lightening, feeling the pull of gravity, as I fell on the ground with a large crash.
A man who looked around my age stepped out from behind a boulder and helped me up. "Thanks." I said. "I'm Re.." I almost blew my cover and said Reni. Oops. "Regina. I'm Reina." "Reece." Said the man. "Gosh! I've been stuck out here for so long, I never thought I'd see another human again." Reece exclaimed. He sounded happy, relieved even.
We became good friends as the weeks passed. He showed me how he had been living and helped me build my own home and furniture and all.
Over the weeks, I learnt that Reece also had a power. He could tell the future. "I could tell you were coming." Reece had told me, and then he had gone on to explain how he had a power and what it was. His twin brother Ivan, was a pilot. He had flown over the dessert with Reece, and thrown him out. Reece, with his future telling power knew it was coming and so, like I had done packed a little suitcase that he had taken with him.
Reece also told me that he too had taken on a new identity as Reece McDonald. He had then told me his original name- Reg McKenzie. I then told him mine- Reni FitzSimmons.
I loved life with Reece. It was really simple. Our friendship quickly turned into love. I ended up moving in with him, taking some of my stuff with me, including all the stuff in the suitcase I had bought with me to the dessert.
To this day, Reece and I still live happily in the desert in the middle of nowhere.
To Be Continued.......
Thursday, September 9, 2010
The Magic Ball Point Pen

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010
Scarlet's Special Surprise Birthday

Scarlet had one wish for her seventh birthday. She wanted a birthday party. A big one, with all her friends and family. So as a huge surprise, her parentds through her one. Scarlet didn't know a thing about it. Well she didn't until she walked into her house on Saturday afternoon with her mother. Everyone jumped out from the behind the furniture, "surprise!" They all yelled.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Deserted Honeymoon

"Jet Star Flight JQ6540 to Paris will have a further delay of 1 and a half hours. Jet Star sincerely apologises for the delay, and any inconvienience this may cause. Thankyou." That was our flight. Great! Hayden and I had already been waiting for an hour and a half. We may as well have gone home right then and there. But we didn't. "Great! Claire, what do you want to do now?" Hayden groaned. He leant against my shoulder. He was tired enough as it was from the wedding and all that. We should have stayed the night in a hotel and flown out the next day. But we didn't. We were kind of stuck here now anyway, so what was the point in thinking about it.
Our flight came, after a long wait and we got on board right away. I fell asleep on Hayden's shoulder, and when I woke up to read for a bit, he fell asleep on mine. The trip was exhausting.
Halfway through the flight, we began to drop. We began to fall, racing down towards the ground. We were going to crash. I could feel it. We were rushing. Down, down, down. Rapidly decending.
This went on for maybe, say 15 minutes before we came to a complete stop. "Right. Everyone out of the plane please." The pilot instructed. "Hayden, wake up." I nudged the sleeping Hayden next to me. "Huh? What? What's going on?" He asked grogilly. "We've got to get off the plane now. Quick." I tugged his arm.
When we were safetly out of the plane, where we were really hit. Both Hayden and I "This isn't Paris." I was not happy. "Where are we Hun?" Hayden groaned. Even though we had slept half the trip each, he was still tired. Probably all the wedding stuff I guessed. "I don't know. But let's go and find out." I pulled him along, towards the flight attendants, who were all gathered at the head of the plane. "Where are we?" I demanded from one of them. "I'm sorry Miss. We'll be in Paris soon enough. But it may take a while. They're sending another plane to take you there as soon as possible." She explained. "Well that doesn't help much." I muttered, to myself, so that only Hayden and I could hear.
Hayden and I spent the next 3 hours making ourselves a little shack out of all the resources we could find. When we finally finished, Hayden collapsed and fell asleep on the bed we had made from logs and huge leaf fronds. It was a double bed we had made, so I settled on the other side and read my book a while.
We ended up staying in the desert in the middle of nowhere for at least 3 weeks before we were rescued.
Hayden and I loved it. We had made quite a little house for ourselves out of all we could find around the place. We used heaps of sticks and vines to make the walls, sand for the fllors covered by large palm fronds and doorways were left as a space we could walk through. tables, we piled sticks on top of eachother to make a rectangular shape. Then we made chairs the same, way but in a chair shape.
It was fun trying to figure out how to make everyday household obbjects out of stuff like sticks, sand, palm fronds, sand, wetsand, dirt and all the other things we had brought and could find. But I must say it was a challenge, and very draining!
We were rescued three weeks after crash landing in the dessert. I must say, I was very relived to go home. As was Hayden.
We still haven't been to Paris yet. We the crash landing in the desert to be our honeymoon instead. However, we do plan to go to Paris in the very near future, for our upcoming first anniversary.
What's in a Name?

So she went to her mother and asked her. "Mum, why did you call me Chrissie?" "In honour of your father Dear." Her mother replied. "What? In honour of Dad?" Chrissie didn't understand. "In honour of your father." Chrissie's mother Jane repeated. "You know the flower, chysanthemums?" "Yeah. What about them?" Chrissie asked. "Your father loved them. So when he died. a few months before you were born, I decided to name you as close as I could to him." Jane explained. "Since you were a girl, I named you after his favourite flower." "In his honour." Chrissie concluded. "Yes. Exactly." Jane agreed.
Chrissie wanted to learn even more about her father now that she knew she had been named after him. So, she took a week off work to learn more of him.
On Sunday, she went to visit his grave. She bought chysanthemums and brought them there. She layed them at the head of the gravestone, along with a letter she had written him. Chrissie knew he would never read it, but it made her feel better, more close to him. That made her feel good.
Monday, Chrissie went through everything of his with her mother. With each item they pulled out, came a story. Jane would sit there, opposite Chrissie, holding the item as she told the story that went with it.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, she went to visit her father's parents. That helped Chrissie with her search a lot. From her grandparents, she found out that she had another half sister. His other daughter, Ruby.
So on Friday and Saturday, Chrissie went to visit her. Ruby was a year younger then Chrissie, 23.
Ruby at first was confused at first, with Chrissie turning up and all. That was until Ruby explained the whole thing. Ruby didn't know much. She just knew that her mother had had a little fling with him and then ran off. "So I probably know more asbout him then you do." Chrissie concluded. "Most likely." Ruby agreed.
It seemed to Chrissie that this had brought her and Ruby closer together. Before Chrissie left for home on Saturday afternoon, Ruby gave her contact details, so that they could keep in touch. Chrissie gave Ruby hers as well.
Not only had Chrissie found out loads of information about her father in that one week, but she had gained a new friend in Ruby.
As time passed, Chrissie and Ruby became the best of friends. To this day, they still are....
Friday, August 13, 2010
Blue Holiday

Five year old Jamie and his mother were driving on the freeway, from the Central Coast of NSW Australia down to Sydney. They were going to visit Jamie's mother Tanya's sister Natalia, who had just moved down to Hornsby with ther fiance Heath.
"What are those Mummy?" Jamie asked, pointing at some hills in the distance. The blue mountains. Jamie was a curious kid. "He'll be a smart one someday, Tanya. You just watch." His grandfather would always say. Tanya believed it. All she had to do was feed his mind. That was simple. All she had to do was answer all of his questions, so he had a lot of things to think about.
"That's the Blue Mountains, Jamie." Tanya explained. "Two weeks from now, when I have time off work, we'll go there, for a little holiday." She promised. "Ok." Jamie agreed.
The Blue Mountains was a special place for Tanya. It was where she had spent her last three years at high school, Where she had met, gone out with and marrried Jamie's father Nate and where Jamie had been born and grew up for 3 years. But most sadly, it was where Nate had passed away. Tanya, Nate and Jamie had gone horse riding. Jamie had been one and a half at the time. Nate had fallen off his horse. They had had another son, Hamish, who had been riding with Nate before the accident. Hamish had died as well.
Tanya's life, she would admit had been very hard. She had lost her husband and two children. Her other daughter, Megan had died in Tanya's womb. Tanya had had a still birth. That had been sad. Megan would have been nine now if she had been alive, Hamish would have been eight.
But now, Tanya felt ready. Ready to go back there again. She wanted to go back. One of the days, she planned to visit the cemetery where Nate, Megan and Hamish were burried, all together. It was about time Jamie knew. She wouldn't tell him the truth about the passings though. She might just tell him, Dadddy had the scarf wrapped too tight round his neck, Hamish jumped to high on the trampoline, or Megan ran too hard, smack bang into a wall. He didn't need to know the truth yet. Not the whole truth anyway.
So, Tanya and Jamie went to the Blue Mountains two weeks later, as planned. They had an absolute ball. Something magical happened while they were away. Tanya met someone. They had a fling. You could call it a 'winter romance.'
When they were due home, Tanya's new boyfried Tim came with her and Jamie. He said that he'd pack up his house and move down there to be with them.
As Tanya put it, on she and Tim's wedding day, "You were a flicker of light when my life was dim." Jamie, Tanya and Tim lived happily from then on and didn't have a care in the world. The small little family continued going to the Blue Mountains once a year every year. They went back to where it all began...
Adventure Date

Locked Out

One afternoon, on a Friday, when Maria arrived at her doorstep, she realised that she had lost something. Her keys. She had lost her keys. Her keys! 'How dumber could I be?' She wondered. 'not a lot.' Her mind told her back. She searched her bag a second time. Then a third, a forth, a fifth and finally a sixth. Still no keys. Her mother wouldn't be home for hours, and her father was overseas. She could always just sit and wait outside the house until her mum got home.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The Call of Destiny

Friday, August 6, 2010
Ball Of Death

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Love Games

Thursday, July 29, 2010
A Promise From The Heart

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The reason

Friday, July 23, 2010
Twiste of Fate

The Big Race

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Dream Love

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Made for Each Other

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Miley the Miracle

Star Struck