Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Bridget was a girl who had to have lots of mefdical treatment. Medical treatment as any other 15 year old girl would, that she hated. Her mother had tried countless strategies to help Bridget cope, but up until now, none had worked. The day that Bridget got an iPod and discovered music was the same day that all of that changed.

That day's appointment was dental. When it was her turn, Bridget kindly asked the doctors to give her a moment, telling them she'd give the thumbs up when she was ready. Bridget's mother watched on anxiously from a chair along the floor as did the doctors, but they were filled with curiosity and amusement. The whole room watched in silence as Bridget prepared herself.

First, she took the new iPod from her bag and went to the dentist's chair in the middle of the room. Then once she was comfortable laying down, she stuck each of the ear pieces gently into her ears and after scanning her iPod for a short moment, hit play. Then Bridget layed her arms at her sides, the iPod resting weightlessly in her left palm and closed her eyes. Next, she took three deep breaths. There was a few moment's silence before Bridget slowly opened her mouth and raised an arm not too far from the chair, giving a thumbs up to the doctors. The signal that she was ready to start.

At first, all Bridget could see was black. Then slowly, an image began to appear. She was alone on a boat. Behind her, not too far away, was land and ahead was the wide, open ocean. The boat began to drive forward. As it sailed away, Bridget imagined the land she was slowly leabving behind to be her problems and her fears. Problems and fears she was going far away from. Once the land disappeared, Bridget looked ahead, at what was to come. After a long while of travelling on the naked waters, Bridget spotted an island. The island, she realised was paradise. An escape. Her escape paradise.
Hope you all had a great christmas and New Year. Welcome to 2013 and all the best for whatever lies ahead this year.

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