Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sucked In

It was not like anything he'd ever seen before. His eyes grew wide in horror as he watched on helplessly. The only warning was that horrible sucking sound. He watched the countless bubbles that had once floated serenely along pop one by one as a current disrupted the once still water, quickly gaining strength. The tiny soap particles being sucked in, no chance at escape.

He held a hand to his mouth, stifling his gasp as the water became shallower still and started swirling swiftly around in a circle, the sucking sound growing louder. To the young boy, it all seemed like a scene from a horror movie. Something reminiscent of a small storm, forcing everything in close proximity into it's violently spinning clutches. Then, it would drop them down into it's unseen vortex, never to be seen again...

Then suddenly, all the water was gone. It disappeared down into the unseen vortex. The young boy gasped again before learning cautiously over the side of the tub to see if he could see any signs of the lost water down the drainpipe. Just like all the things that had been sucked in, the storm had gone. Almost as quickly as it had come. Leaving not a trace behind it.

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