Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Own Little World

Any bad feeling simply melted away as she entered the room. She smiled as familiarity filled her senses. The loud music hitting her ears, the vibrations it's volume caused beneath her feet.  She closed her eyes, slowly turning in a circle, arms out wide, allowing the music to fill her, immersing her completely. She could stay here forever. Here, in this room, with the music up loud, she felt like she was in a whole different world. A world where nothing could touch her and the endorphins flowed freely, like an endless supply. 

"This is my zone," she'd say to her family. And she was right. Any other noise, but for the music that filled her room would be lost on her when she was in there, simply enjoying basking in the feelings the music gave her. 

One afternoon, after a particularly long and stressful day, Jess could feel the tension rising within her. She couldn't keep the lid on the bottle for long, she knew, and so she knew where she had to go. She walked into the room, directly over to the stereo and turned it on. As the music washed over her, she felt all the tension, all the stress just wash away, and she lay on the lounge that sat against one wall, closing her eyes and allowing the music to completely engulf her, taking her somewhere far, far away. 

With each song came somewhere new. During the first song, she imagined swimming in a lake in the middle of the night, with the stars and moon shining down on her, completely away from everyone, the world somewhere else entirely. The next one took her to the stands of a rodeo competition, where an entertaining fight broke out between long time rivals, after that, she found herself watching fish, floating gently through the sky among countless white, fluffy clouds, sitting with a group of children as a relative sat before them, singing and playing her guitar. 

By the time the music stopped, Jess seemed, and felt, completely different. A little dose of her own world always did her good, she thought. She rose to her feet feeling refreshed, calm and revitalized, her happiness from earlier restored. In a way, music could be magic like that, and she knew, when the world got her down, a small little holiday to her own little world would always do her a world of good.

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