Friday, November 20, 2015

Beyond The Window

A stream of tears trailed down her cheeks as she watched the scene through the window. She was smiling and laughing, as if nothing had ever happened. As if nothing had changed. That only made her cry more. Once, not all that long ago, hours, maybe, it had been her she'd been laughing and joking with. Now, it was everyone but her. "What changed?" she asked herself out loud in a whisper. "What happened? I don''t understand..."

She took a shaky breath and slowly got to her feet, beginning to pace the room, trying hard to put a stop to the flow of tears still longing to fall. But it wasn't just the tears now. Now, she felt like screaming too. "Aren't you allowed to have really bad days sometimes?" she asked, taking a glance back beyond the window, "I didn't think it was a crime..." She continued to pace mindlessly a long while, her sole focus on her breath. In, out, in, out, in, out.

Finally she stopped, looking back toward the window, and to her. "I'm sorry," she said, even though she knew she couldn't hear. "I'm sorry I'm not perfect. But you aren't either, and did I abandon you when you fell?" A lone tear tracked a trail down her cheek. "I thought I could count on you. I thought I could trust you." She didn't even worry about crying anymore and just let the tears fall, though she felt a little like a waterfall. "I'm sorry I made that mistake. You fooled me. You tricked me. I thought you were different. You proved me wrong."

She moved again to the seat by the window and brought her feet up too, hugging her knees tight. "I wish it weren't like this. Don't you see the damage you've caused? I don't know your reasons," she said, rising once more. "I don't see through your eyes." She paused, turning back to the window one last time. "But, I hear your silence. The sound of goodbye."

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