Saturday, July 29, 2017

My Lighthouse

When the day darkens and gives way to night. When the storms roll in and the seas get rough. When I've lost my way. If I look hard enough, through the dark clouds, the waves and the sheets of rain falling overhead, I can see it. It shines through it all, a beacon of hope when all hope seems lost. A lighthouse. The lighthouse. My lighthouse. 

A tall pillar of strength when times are rough and I grow weak. I search for the light to guide me through the rough and stormy seas. Never once has it failed me. Whenever I've needed it, it's there, sure and reliable, to lead me back into calmer waters. 

When I feel weak, you are my lighthouse, strong enough for both of us, beaming your light to show me the way. When I feel lost and helpless, you are there to call me home, full of hope. When I feel cold and lonely, you are there, ready to take me into your warm embrace. Any feelings of loneliness melt away when I look up and see my lighthouse standing there. Never do I feel lonely, knowing that you are there, even if all I can see is your light to lead me home.

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