Tuesday, January 21, 2014


As the school bell rang, Zoe breathed a sigh of relief. She was finally free. She didn't have to be here anymore. She could escape. She could go home, and to her own little world.

The moment she was seated on the bus, Zoe slipped her earphones into her ears and pressed 'play' on her iPod. She closed her eyes, tuning out the rest of the world and concentrating solely on the music. It was sheer luck she noticed the bus stop and robotically got off, walking home the same way she always did, the iPod still playing away.

When she arrived home, Zoe headed straight for her room, falling flat on her bed. She placed the iPod on the bed beside her, continuing to let it play and closing her eyes once again, placing all her focus on the music travelling through the speakers and directly into her ears.

Soon the blackness she'd seen on initially closing her eyes faded and she found herself in a jungle somewhere. She had no idea where she was, but she didn't care. It was sort of peaceful, being lost and surrounded by the intense, bright deep green of the trees and the bushes. Feeling good, and serene, Zoe began to wander around, but as she walked along, everything looked exactly the same. So, figuring she had nowhere else to be, nothing better to do, she just kept walking. Eventually, she saw a strange light far off in the distance and as curiosity took over, she followed it, wondering where on Earth it might lead.

In her home, Zoe was surrounded by commotion. The blare of the TV as her father watched the news, the clatter as her Mother bustled around the kitchen and the constant yelling back and forth as her parents yelled to one another, both trying to be heard over the already too loud TV. But Zoe, sitting motionless upstairs on her bed, iPod playing away into her ears was completely oblivious to it all.

Both here and in her daydream, she was lost, and for her, being lost was the best thing in the world. It was a serene sanctuary, an escape, a place she could go that would be new every single time dependent on what was playing and somewhere she could be her. Be her and be alone.

Have you ever been so lost?

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